Laurel Highlands Historical Village Inc. N.P.
390 Rose branch Street
(814) 241-6123 Office
Executive Director, Ronald J Shawley [email protected]
Secretary/Treasurer Patti Defibaugh at 814-288-7017 [email protected]
501 (3c) 86-1079004 LHHV web site www.lhhv.org
Cambria County Arts & Heritage Festival
Laurel Highlands Historical Village is hosting a 2-day Arts and Heritage Festival at Duman Lake County Park on Saturday September 13 and Sunday September 14, 2025.
Monetary donation and Baskets
Our mission with this event is to celebrate the past history, the present and future of Cambria County. We are writing to invite you to be a sponsor or supporter of this event. As a leader in the community, your involvement with the Cambria County Arts & Heritage Festival is an opportunity for your organization to receive exposure and to join other businesses, individuals and community service agencies to celebrate the heritage of Cambria County. We are looking to raise $ 8,000 to cover the costs of entertainment and event expenses. We can’t meet our goal without the help of local businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals from the local community. We are eager to work with you and will customize your sponsorship to support your goals and objectives. Community sponsors are the primary source of funding for this event and will help ensure the event is a success.
You can provide support in the following ways:
Be an event supporter through a monetary donation. Your company logo will be placed on advertising, Commit to Gold or Silver sponsorship by 08/01/2025 and we will create a banner with your logo on one of the following at your request: entertainment stage, opening ceremony, & war reenactment. All sponsors will receive social media recognition.
OR you can
Volunteer your time during the event.
Be a part of the planning committee.
We plan to have musical entertainment, craft and food vendors, artisans, non-profit agencies sharing what service their organization provides in the community and the history of their organization and encampments depicting the different military camps during different war eras. Please visit our Facebook
Page to view some photos of past Festival.
We advertise in Cambria, Blair, Bedford, Somerset, Centre, and Allegheny Counties.
Gold Sponsorship $1,000 or more monetary or in-kind sponsorship
Silver Sponsorship $500-$1000 monetary or in-kind sponsorship
Bronze Sponsorship $1-$500 monetary or in-kind sponsorship
Please indicate your preferred sponsorship level, fill out the form below and return it to
LHHV c/o Patti Defibaugh, 434 Locust St., Roaring Spring, PA 16673 or contact Patti at [email protected] or Ron Shawley at 814-241-6123 or [email protected]. You may call if you prefer, we can meet with you prior to discuss your sponsorship. Please reply at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your consideration in sponsoring our event.
Ron Shawley Executive Director
Business or Individual Name______________________________________________
Address ————————————————————————————————————
Email address__________________________________________________________
Telephone Number ______________________________________________________
Please check the type of sponsorship you are making for this event.
Type of sponsorship Gold ( ) Silver( ) Bronze( } Monetary Amt. ___________
Volunteer at (Event) Planning Committee prior to event ( )
Highlights and why we feel you should be a part of our adventure.
- Unlimited Outdoor activities including: Biking, Hiking, Fishing, Boating, Camping, Wildlife, and much more.
showcasing a variety of Non-Profit groups who plan on having great exhibits. Many NP groups attending.
- Two full days of entertainment from the local area.
- Church service on Sunday
- Full engagement of Civil War Battles. Civil War camps open to public viewing.
- Living History groups displaying their history.
- Advertising in Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Altoona, Erie, State College and local county.
- Bus Tours planning to stop in dropping off potential shoppers seeking to buy your products.
- Opening ceremony giving thanks to our veterans on Saturday Morning 10AM at Wedding Pavilion.
- SCA will be on hand displaying and having their competition on both days from the 16th century.
- Various Military Groups will be on station to provide support.
- Pennsylvania State Police Providing a tour of their equipment, fingerprinting children etc.
- Antique Tractors – Antique Cars
- 4 – H Display with animals to pet and hold.
- Last year’s Attendance was over 4000 persons.
- Vendor Parking Close to your setup. Ice on hand if needed. For a reasonable charge
- Traveling Entertainers about the park: Dancers, Musicians, Artists, Jugglers, Clowns, Magicians and much more.