Building a Park to discover Nature History Wellness and your well being
Laurel Highlands Exploration Center
A collaboration that started more than 15 years ago has become a go to destination for families.
It started with a vision to build a one-of-a-kind recreational retreat, just to the north of Johnstown. Over the years, Cambria & Somerset Water Authority and Laurel Highlands Historical Village have been working together to enhance the Hinckston Run Reservoir, natural area. Located at the end of Honan Ave Hiking and Biking Trail, we find the LHHV Forest, which includes various trails. They provide families & individuals overlooks, historical landmarks, a picnic pavilion, wildlife, a huge waterfall, and now the Laurel Highlands Exploration Center. During your visit also keep in mind, persons are not allowed in the creek or waterfall, absolutely no entry permitted.
Today the Laurel Highlands Exploration Center includes the Laurel Highlands Veterans Memorial, hiking trails including the Joseph P. Whipey Trail, Eagle Trail and LHHV’s newest trail, the Laurel Highlands Greenway Loop Trail a 16 mile loop from Johnstown to Hinckston to Mineral Point and back to Johnstown. As you walk the trails you will see an abundance of wildlife, including many song birds, including bluebirds, and cardinals. In the past 5 years, we can see American Bald Eagles, hunting for food on the back side of reservoir. LHHV started installing Bluebird nesting boxes, and other feeder stations. The houses are provided by the Pa Game Commission.
The Laurel Highlands Veterans Memorial was built at the breast of the dam, allowing visitors to rest and remember all veterans. Throughout the year many veterans visit the site, as they themselves fight off the demons, caused by PTSD. One veteran stated “This place is so peaceful. I can relax and find comfort in watching the wildlife.” Memorial tags of veterans for all wars and conflicts can be seen on adjoining posts. If you know a veteran who would like to be noted at the memorial, please contact LHHV office 814 241 6123.
LHHV during the summer months conducts Nature & Conservation seminars, with the help of area colleges. The nonprofit group also has after school programs, including photography, Astro Photography, astronomy, earth sciences, civil war, and history of the region. LHHV has also had Native American Dancers, providing a full day of dance and history. They have also had mini concerts at the pavilion, showcasing mountain music of the region from the early 1600’s. LHHV has also had various Civil War Reenactments. LHHV with the cooperation of sate agencies, county agencies, schools, and local business leaders LHHV is building on the Joseph p Whipey trail area the Laurel Highlands Exploration Center.. Once completed it will enhance, educate, and provide a place for mediation.
Click the link below to watch video about Hinckston Run Dam