The historic GIBSON HOUSE at 217 W. Patterson Avenue in Connellsville will be open on Wednesday and Saturday to allow researchers to come and make use of our archived documents. Archivist Sarah Reedy will be available from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM to assist those who wish to access our collection. We hope this will help those people who only have time on the week-end to come to the Gibson House. Please call 724-628-5640 to make an appointment for research. The Connellsville Area Historical Society is anxious to allow interested people an opportunity to use our materials.
The Society has a nice collection of Connellsville High School yearbooks archived at the Gibson House for review or research. But we do not have any yearbooks of Immaculate Conception High School or Geibel Catholic High School. If you have either school yearbook and would be willing to donate it to the Society, we will catalogue it and add it to our collection.